Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Spirit of Vengeance

The Spirit of Vengeance is a fictional character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is made entirely of CGI, being a powerful entity from another dimension without a physical form of its own, who can possess other humans, with a strong desperation and desire for vengeance. While using a host body, he is played by several actors, including Gabriel Luna, Tom McManus, Henry Simmons, and Clark Gregg.

The Spirit of Vengeance doesn't have a voice box, so doesn't talk, not even when a host brings the powers of and the Spirit itself to the surface, which involves a painful, but temporary transformation where the host's skull's flesh burns away leaving only the image of a burning skull. The Spirit has a preference for taking on heavily burdened black-clad bikers.

Physical and personality traits[]



Total appearances: 10.

